About Us
Our vision is "creating a safer, healthier community through prevention." This is achieved through projects and activities that may prevent and reduce the impact of substance abuse on the community.
Additionally, our efforts include strategies that promote healthy and safe behaviors and attitudes in Washington County in order to create community wide change.
We have regular coalition meetings we would love for you attend. The meetings are the first Wednesday of every other month, in the even months of the year. Contact us at washcoprevention@insightalliance.org to be added to the contact list.
There are some expenses that grants don't cover. If you want to support prevention and recovery efforts n the community and region we would gladly accept any amount to support our efforts.
Naloxone is available free of charge in the region.
Please contact our Regional Overdose Prevention Specialists
at 423-956-6529
or click this link for contacts across the state.
Click below to learn more about the Faith Based Recovery Network we are building in NE Tennessee. The handouts and presentations provided from previous gatherings are also available here.
Recovery Meeting Information and Links
For recovery support visit resources on our LIFELINE PAGE
Treatment and Recovery Meetings Guide. Updated regularly
12 Step, Faith-Based, or Other Type Meetings (Printable Version) HERE
Spanish speaking virtual meetings
How Can I Dispose of Prescription Medications?
Our Next Disposal scheduled for
October 26, 2024
Until the next disposal, here are
dropbox locations in NE TN.
In Washington County:
Johnson City Police Department
Jonesborough City Hall
Washington County Detention Center
Community Health Center
West Town Pharmacy
CVS North Roan
Pro Compounding Pharmacy
Walmart Pharmacy
Johnson City Medical Center Pharmacy
Providing Alcohol to Someone Under the Age of 21 is Illegal
Contact Us
Address: 207 E. Main Street Suite 1E, Johnson City, TN 37604
Phone: 877-366-7593
Click here for our contact form
This project is funded under a Grant Contract with the State of Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services.
The Insight Alliance and the The Promise Center strives to ensure that events, or projects provided by or associated with us are accessible and not limited due race, color or national origin. We seek to include input from all individuals in the community. If you wish to be a part of our coalition, or to serve on our board, contact us.