Rx Drugs/Prescription Medications

Count It, Lock It, Drop It Program

Count It! Lock It! Drop It!® is a comprehensive community initiative for prescription drug abuse prevention that began in Coffee County, Tennessee. Today, CLD is actively represented in 95 counties across Tennessee. In 2017, the program’s goal is to expand to more counties throughout the state, particularly where prescription drug misuse is especially prevalent.

Count It! Lock It! Drop It! Is a trademark of Coffee County Anti-Drug Coalition, Inc. (CCADC) Coffee County, TN

COUNT IT! Every 2 weeks

LOCK IT! Keep it safe and secure

DROP IT! At a disposal event or drop box

Are Your Medications Stored Safely and Securely?

One way to protect your family from theft or illegal use of your medications to track your medications (COUNT IT!) , secure or lock up the medications you need (LOCK IT!) and dispose of the medications you don’t (DROP IT!).

Take time to evaluate the safety of your medications and how to prevent access to protect your family and community. Consider these questions:

  • I do not have a secure place to lock up my medications - lockbox, locked cabinet/drawer

  • I do not keep a count of my prescription and over the counter medications.

  • I have children/teens in my home

  • I have frequent visitors in my home

  • I have had someone take my prescription medications without my permission

  • I take a medication that is at high risk to be stolen or abused

If you checked yes to even one of these items your medications may be at risk of theft or accidental ingestion. If you think your family would benefit from a lock box, please call Insight Alliance. For questions or tips on keeping your family safe call Insight Alliance at 877-366-7593. REMEMBER: PROTECT YOUR FAMILY AND COMMUNITY!

Permanent Drop Boxes in NE TN


Johnson City Police Department

Jonesborough Public Safety (Town Hall)

Washington Co. Sheriff’s Office / Detention Center

West Towne Pharmacy & JC Med Center pharmacy


Sheriff’s Office

Elizabethton Police Department


Sheriff’s Office

Kingsport / Bristol OR Bluff City Police Depts.


Sheriff’s Department Greeneville Police Dept.


Sherriff’s Office

Mt. Carmel Police Department


Sheriff’s Department

Johnson County Hospital


Sheriff’s Department

Erwin Police Department

If you are not in one of these locations, ask your local law enforcement for assistance to locate a drop box.

The next upcoming drug take back is set for April 22nd 2023 from 10am to 2PM.

Additional Tips

  1. Take medication only as prescribed or as needed. Discuss non-addictive alternatives with your doctor.

  2. Anyone struggling with opiate addiction, that person and their friends and family members should get Naloxone in case of an opiate overdose. Contact the ROPS program to get a free dose of Naloxone. Recovery is possible if someone is still alive. Call 423-956-6529 for more information

  3. Women of child bearing age taking opiates or other addictive medications should discuss Voluntary Reversible Long Acting Birth Control (IUD, Depo Shot, Implant) with a doctor or visit the Health Department

Prevention Efforts

Our coalition focuses on preventing prescription drug misuse through the following efforts:

  • Safe medication storage and diversion prevention

  • Education about monitoring, safe storage, and medication disposal

  • Lockbox distribution for people at risk of theft or accidental ingestion

  • Community and Professional Education


DEA Drug Take Back

Dropbox Finder

Count It, Lock It, Drop It

Talk they Hear You

This project is funded under a Grant Contract with the State of Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services.